Accommodation in the Heart of Ranchi

Experience comfort, convenience, and exceptional hospitality at our well-appointed hotel in Ranchi, Jharkhand.



Your Ideal Retreat in Ranchi

Experience comfort, convenience, and exceptional hospitality at Hotel Arham Inn, located in the heart of Ranchi, Jharkhand. Book your stay for a truly memorable experience!



Hygienic Rooms Designed


Accommodation Services

Indulge in our premium accommodation services designed for your ultimate comfort and relaxation.

Modern Amenities for Guests

Experience top-notch amenities and services that cater to all your needs and preferences.

Exceptional Customer Service

Our dedicated team ensures personalized service and attention to make your stay memorable.

Convenient Location for Exploring

Explore the local attractions and amenities easily from our centrally located hotel.

Hotel Arham Inn

Experience comfort and convenience at Hotel Arham Inn, located in the heart of Ranchi, Jharkhand. Enjoy well-appointed, hygienic rooms ensuring cleanliness and safety.


Tiwari Street, Main Road
Ranchi, Jharkhand

Contact Number
+91 7258851715
+91 9097989429

Exceptional hospitality, modern facilities, and peaceful ambiance made my stay truly memorable.

John Doe

a car parked in front of a tall building
a car parked in front of a tall building
